Did you know? Portaloo® is a registered trademark.

The word Portaloo is a registered trademark and not, as some believe, the generic name for all portable and chemical toilets. In fact, only portable toilet and shower units produced by Portakabin can be called Portaloo buildings.

  1. A registered trademark for more than 50 years

    Portaloo is a registered trademark. Portaloo is part of Portakabin and has been supplying high-quality portable toilet, washroom and shower facilities for hire and sales for more than 50 years.

    The name Portaloo was registered as a trademark on 15 February 1966. Since that day, only portable toilet and shower units produced by Portakabin can be called Portaloo buildings.

  2. We protect our trademark to protect you

    Sometimes people use our company name wrongly and we always work hard to prevent this. We are proud of our name and its standing as the most recognised trademark in the industry. It forms an important part of our brand identity and guarantees that when you buy a genuine Portaloo product you are getting the best quality available.

    Now and again you may have come across the word 'Portaloo' in a variety of scenarios as well as incorrect spellings. 'Porta loos', 'Portaloos' or 'Port a loo' – we’ve heard them all. These are a misuse of our trademark and not a genuine Portaloo building.

In short

Portaloo is a protected, exclusive trademark that can only be used to describe the products of the company Portakabin.

Find out more about our other trademarks.

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